Ani-Medford: Returning since covid-19 came back stronger than ever with amazing special guests, vendors, exhibitors and more fun than any event in southern oregon.the anime family came together from every state on the west coast to enjoy ani-medford.
ani-medford has a history of having some of the best headline special guests in all of oregon and 2022 was no exception with excellent talent as Nadia chaudhry from "Wonder Egg Priority (2021), and Attack on Titan (2013-2023). This was her first ever convention appearance. Ani-medford over the years has always been welcoming to avatar: the last airbender. in 2022 avatar fans has the pleasure of meeting grey griffin aka grey delisle who was the voice of azula. joining grey was olivia hack who voiced Ty Lee.
cosplay special guests
ani-medford is never complete without our cosplay family. in 2022 ani-medford saw some familiar veterans and some flashy newcomers. An ani-medford staple the faustina spider returned for a third year. another veteran to grace ani-medford in 2022 was consul of cosplay who is always a delight and a fan favorite. echochips who has been with ani-medford since the very first convention but in a vendor capacity came to the convention as a special guest for the first time. The bright newcomers to ani-medford in 2022 were cichol, dsnyknight, and the ever loving madcap cosplay.
sights & sounds of ani-medford 2022
ani-medford is a southern oregon anime tradition that continues to give the community a family-friendly environment that all enjoy. from the vendors to the cosplay contest.
Special Guest are subject to change.
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